Privacy Policy

This version is effective from 9 February 2024
  1. RideNow services, ridenow.tech website and RideNow apps are provided by RideNow Car Rental Limited (Paphos, Cyprus) on the "as is" basis. By using any of the above you agree to this Privacy Policy.
  2. Our services are aimed at car drivers aged 18 and above. We do not address anyone under the age of 18, and do not knowingly collect their personal information. If we discover that anyone under 18 has provided us with personal information, we immediately delete it. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us to immediately delete it.
  3. To register an account with RideNow we will ask you to provide us with your e-mail, phone number, payment card details, copies of your driver's license, government-issued ID or passport, and with a selfie with your ID or passport. We may run this information against available driver's licenses, ID, fines, accidents and similar databases and keep the results in your account. This is done to identify you, form a legally binding rent agreement with you and to keep dishonest or overly risky parties from damaging our cars or abusing our services.
  4. While you book, inspect and rent our cars, we collect information about location and speed of the car, of the phone with the app, car telemetry data. We do so to enable and improve our services, and to maintain, service, re-fuel and monitor our fleet.
  5. There may be a camera in our car. We retrieve the captured images only if we believe you violated our rules (smoking, allowing others to drive, vandalism, etc.), to randomly check for such violations, or in case of an accident or conflict. Images which document a violation or an accident are kept until the issue is resolved. All other images are deleted in approximately two weeks after they are captured. The cameras never capture sound.
  6. We collect information about our communications with you, your payments, charges and other actions on your account. This is done to maintain your account and enable our services to you.
  7. We may analyse app crash logs, your activity in the app and on our website using third-party tools, such as Google Analytics and Apple Appstore Connect to improve our services. While we do not use specially built cookies, the above referenced tools and other third party code and libraries used in our app and website may use cookies.
  8. We never sell your personally identifiable information to anyone or use it for purposes not described in this policy. We do not provide such information to any third party other than our KYC provider, IT platform provider, and payment processor. These parties are obliged to safeguard your information and to use it solely to enable RideNow to provide our services to you and to improve them.
  9. In case of an accident, damage or unpaid fine, fee or invoice we may also use your information to enforce our contractual rights and fulfil legal obligations, including by providing it to insurance company, collection agency, traffic police or municipality. We will not provide your information to any other third party unless you authorise us or we are compelled to do so by law or by a competent authority such as police or a court of law, upon their written request.
  10. We do our best to secure your information from loss and unauthorised access or alteration. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet and its storage can not be made completely secure. Any provision and transmission of your information is at your own risk.
  11. We will use your e-mail and phone number to reach you as needed to provide our services to you. Such communications may include rent reports, receipts or invoices, formal notices under our agreement, etc. We may also occasionally remind you of our services, or inform you about promotions, discounts or special offers. We will keep our marketing materials to a minimum and there will always be an easy opt-out.
  12. Your authentication and authorisation in our app works through SMS or WhatsApp message sent to the phone number you provided. If you change your number or think third parties may access SMS sent to your number, please notify us immediately at info@ridenow.tech so that we can correct the number or suspend your account.
  13. We will terminate your account and delete all your personal data upon your written request not later than 180 days after such request, provided that all issues and claims between us are fully resolved.
  14. We may change this policy at any time at our sole discretion by making it available in our app and on ridenow.tech.
  15. Please send any requests or questions regarding privacy issues only to info@ridenow.tech.