RideNow Short rides
Brief overview of the flexibility and convenience of the short minute tariff for quick rides across Cyprus.
Tariff Details
  • Base Rate: €1 start rate per trip.
  • Per Minute Rate: €0.07 for each minute.
  • Per Kilometer Rate: €0.27 for each kilometer traveled.
  • Fuel Policy: Fuel costs are included; no need for refueling.
Geographical Restrictions
  • Travel Zones: Allowed throughout Cyprus, excluding “occupied” territories and beaches.
  • GPS Monitoring: Fines (€10 + €1 per km) apply for traveling to prohibited areas.
Parking and Home Zone
  • Returning the Car: Must be returned to a Home Zone, parked in any free public parking.
  • Home Zones: Locations include Paphos, Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaca, and both airports.
  • Airport Drop-off Fee: €19 for ending the rental at the airport.
  • Connectivity Considerations: Ensure mobile internet signal strength is sufficient in remote areas.
Tariff Extension and Changes
  • Flexibility: Option to switch to a package during a trip.
  • Package Renewal: Automatic switch to minute rate after package expiration; new packages can be selected thereafter.